The Benefits Of Abstaining From Sex Before Marriage

A hetersexual couple in wedding attire embracinng and kissing. A swatch of tulle fabric crosses in front of their face. They are photographed in front of a stone wall of a building. Used for the blog post the benefits of abstaining from sex before marriage for blog

In today’s ever-changing American culture, the idea of abstaining from sex before marriage might seem old-fashioned or out of touch.

However, choosing purity can offer emotional, mental, and physical benefits that lead to a more fulfilling and empowered life. 

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

1. Focus on building a deeper emotional bond

Abstaining from sex before marriage allows you and your partner to focus on developing a deeper emotional bond. 

Since there’s no pressure about having sex, you and your partner are free to focus on other things, like getting to know each other better. 

2. Reduce emotional stress

Choosing to wait can reduce the emotional stress that comes with a sexual relationship. Since you don’t have to worry about physical compatibility, sexual performance, or regret, you and your partner will feel more secure and confident in your relationship. 

3. Increase in self-esteem and self-respect

Abstinence can increase your self-esteem and self-respect. Taking a stand to wait shows your dedication to your values and beliefs. Your stand could be an inspiring example for others.

Physical Health Benefits

1. No Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) 

One of the biggest benefits of abstinence is not having to deal with Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs); also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Teens and young adults contract more STIs than any other age group.  

Sidenote: I wrote a breakdown of each of the top sexually transmitted diseases, how they are contracted, and the toll that they take on the body. 

A hetersexual couple in wedding attire embracinng and kissing. A swatch of tulle fabric crosses in front of their face. They are photographed in front of a stone wall of a building. Used for the blog post the benefits of abstaining from sex before marriage for blog

2. No unexpected pregnancies 

Another benefit of waiting to have sex is the fear of pregnancy. Abstinence is the only 100% effective birth control.

By remaining chaste, you can pursue your personal and professional goals; without the added pressure and responsibility of an unexpected pregnancy.

Relationship Benefits

1. Clarifying intentions and expectations  

When sex is out of the relationship, a couple can focus on what type of relationship they want and where it’s headed.

2. Strengthening commitment

Waiting until marriage to have sex can strengthen the commitment between partners. The decision to not have sex can create a sense of unity which will make your relationship stronger.

3. Enhancing marital satisfaction

Research has shown that people who abstained from sex before marriage end up having happier marriages. 

Personal Growth and Empowerment

1. Focusing on personal development

Choosing purity allows people to focus on areas of personal growth, such as education, careers, and their spiritual lives. 


2. Developing patience and self-discipline

Abstaining from sex requires patience and self-discipline, qualities that are valuable in all areas of life. These traits can lead to success in not only your personal life, but also in your professional life.

3. Matching actions with values

For some people, abstinence is a choice that is in line with their personal, moral, and religious values. 

A photo of the profile of a heterosexual couple facing each other against the darking sky above the twinkling lights of a city. Used for the blog post the benefits of abstaining from sex before marriage for blog

The takeaway

Abstaining from sex before marriage is a personal decision that can offer numerous benefits. From building stronger emotional ties, reducing stress, building personal growth, and ensuring physical health. 

By focusing on these benefits, young people can embrace abstinence as a possible choice that paves the way to a brighter future.

Just saying!

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