The Complete Guide to STDs

(written by GinnaV)

Have you ever wondered about Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs? Ever been confused about the different types and what they do to the body? Well, this post is for you!

This is a “mega-post.” What this means is that this isn’t a complete post, but rather a post that leads to other posts. This is because if I included each STD here as a full post, this post would probably be like 10 pages and I know nobody is reading all that (don’t feel bad; I wouldn’t either.) So we (marshab1 and GinnaV) broke this post up.

For example, the section for Gonorrhea will be linked to the post about “Gonorrhea”, rather than the full post being written out here.

So, let’s start!

6 Essential Things You Should Know About The STD: Gonorrhea

The word Gonorrhea is in white lettering on a fire engine red background in the center of the image. In the upper left and right corners are circles with white backgrounds. Inside the left circle, are the words The Clap written in black lettering. In the right circle, are the words The Drip in written in black lettering. This image is a blog graphic for the post 6 Essential Things You Should Know About The STD: Gonorrhea for

This post was written by marshab1, and explains what Gonorrhea is. It also describes the symptoms, how it’s transmitted, and what this STD does to the body. 

To read the post, click here.

Herpes — 6 Essential Things You Need To Know About Herpes

The words Herpes the gift that keeps on giving in white lettering in the center of a yellow orange background of Herpes virus. This is the blog graphic for blog post 6 essential things you need to know about herpes for
Image is not of actual Herpes virus

This post was also written by marshab1. It explains what the STD Herpes is, the symptoms, how it’s transmitted, and what it does to the body.

To read the post, click here.

Syphilis — All About Syphilis: The Great Pretender

GinnaV wrote this post. It tells what Syphilis is, the symptoms, how it’s transmitted, and what it does to the body. Spoiler: Syphilis is not pretty.

To read about it, click here.

Chlamydia — All about Chlamydia: The Silent Infection

This post was also written by GinnaV. It reveals what Chlamydia is, the symptoms, how it’s transmitted, and what it does to the body.

Side note: Chlamydia is a common STD. So if you’re worried about STDs, check this one out here.

HIV/AIDS — 7 Hard Facts Everyone Needs To Know About HIV

The words HIV/AIDS are in white lettering and in the center of a red rectangle. Was graphic for blog post 7 hard facts everyone needs to know about HIV post at

Marshab1 wrote this post. In addition to given the top seven facts about HIV, the post explains what HIV is, its symptoms, how it’s transmitted, and what it does to the body.

Want to read it, click here.

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