6 Essential Things You Should Know About The STD: Gonorrhea

The word Gonorrhea is in white lettering on a fire engine red background in the center of the image. In the upper left and right corners are circles with white backgrounds. Inside the left circle, are the words The Clap written in black lettering. In the right circle, are the words The Drip in written in black lettering. This image is a blog graphic for the post 6 Essential Things You Should Know About The STD: Gonorrhea for awomansoutlook.com.

This post will talk about the most important points about Gonorrhea. To learn more about this disease, click on the blue links within this post. They will take you to more detailed information.

STDs or Sexually Transmitted Diseases occur during sex (or sometimes through bodily fluids such as saliva). Gonorrhea is a common STD that can cause permanent damage to the body.  It’s estimated that 1.6 million people contracted Gonorrhea in 2018

Want to know more? Keep reading! Here are the 6 essential things you should know about the STD: Gonorrhea.

What is Gonorrhea and how is it transmitted?

Gonorrhea is a common STD caused by the bacterium Neisseria Gonorrhoeae; and can cause infections in the genitals, anus, and throat. Gonorrhea is spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person. 

What are the symptoms?

Some people don’t have symptoms. So a person may not know they have it. The bad part is they can still pass the disease on to others. Now if there are symptoms, they can be confused as other conditions. Here are some of the symptoms for men and women: 

-Burning while peeing

-(Unusual) discharge from the vagina or penis

-Anal itching

-Bleeding from the vagina and/or rectum 

If you have any of the symptoms, please get checked out by a medical professional. It might be something else, but then again it might be “The Clap”. 

What can Gonorrhea do to the body?

If left untreated, Gonorrhea can lead to infertility in both men and women. Also, the bacterium can enter the bloodstream and infect other body parts.

What do I do if I’m pregnant and have Gonorrhea?

If you’re pregnant, please let your medical provider know. So they can help you and your child. Gonorrhea can pass to the baby during vaginal delivery and cause lifelong problems for your child.

What is the treatment?

The upside is there is a cure. However, the treatment won’t be able to undo any damage to the body. Also, being treated doesn’t mean you’re immune to it. If you have unprotected sex, you put yourself at risk of being re-infected.

Help to prevent getting infected

The best ways to reduce your risk of getting gonorrhea is by 1) being in a monogamous sexual relationship where both of you have been tested and are free of the infection, 2) by using a condom correctly., or 3) practicing abstinence.

The takeaway

Gonorrhea is a common STD that’s passed during sex. If left untreated, it can cause permanent damage to the body. Also, it can threaten the life of your unborn child, if you are pregnant. 

Gonorrhea can be cured. Now, if monogamy, condoms, or abstinence are practiced, your chances of getting this STD go down.

Just saying!

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