How To Find A Job–Part 1

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The best way to get some money is to do something to earn some; like get a job. What is that and how do you find one? Well, keep reading. I’ll show you some ways how to find a job you want and how to apply for it.

This topic is so detailed and big that this post has been broken into two parts. This is part 1. Part 2 will have information about how to prepare and handle an interview, how to thank your interviewer, and how to find out if you got the job.

Disclaimer: Everybody has their own way of job searching. This is how I have done it and what I learned along the way.

What job should I choose?

Before finding a job, you have to figure out what you want. Do you like fashion, web design, working with children, etc? 

The best way to find out anything is to do a Google search. So google search your likes. These likes can steer you toward a job that could become a career. Some of the search results will tell you about specific jobs and how much they pay.

Side note: If you want more in-depth info about a job or career, take a look at the Occupational Outlook Handbook. It’s a book that’s been put together by the United States (U.S.) Bureau of Labor Statistics, and covers a huge amount of jobs. 

Each entry in the handbook summarizes the job, the qualifications, the pay range, and the projected growth rate (if the job will be around for a while or not). 

If you live outside the U.S., you can see if your government offers something like this. If not, this handbook will give you an idea of what the job is (well, by U.S. standards, anyway).  

Where do I get the job I want?

Well, there are a lot of ways. 

Word of mouth

Put it out to your family and friends that you’re looking for this job and if they know anyone who is hiring for a job like that. This way may take a little longer, but it will cut down on competition. 

Online job boards

Look through online job boards; like However, remember that a lot of other people are looking at these same jobs, so competition is fierce.

I use the job boards as job leads. I search the job board, find something I like, and then go to the company’s website. Once there, I click on the Career tab and it will take me to all the job openings for that company.

College Career Services

If you are a graduating college student, check out the Career Services at your college. They usually have connections and leads on jobs.

Searching the community

Now, if all else fails, going out and finding what is out there works. Going around to businesses that have a ‘Help Wanted’ or ‘Now Hiring’ sign out. 

Once you’ve figured out where you want to work, you can apply for their job.  

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How do I apply for a job?

There are two ways to apply. You can use a job application or a resume. 

Job Application

The Cambridge Dictionary defines a job application as a letter or form containing details of your qualifications, skills, experience, etc., that is sent to an organization when you apply for a job. 

Simply put, an application is a document that lists all your skills and experience concerning the job you’re applying for. 

Some businesses have a paper application for you to complete and turn in. This form will ask for everything. Your name, address, where you went to school, and who you have worked for. 

If you don’t have any work experience, think about what you have done in your life that would apply to this job. 

Say you’re applying for a job as a Child Care Provider at a daycare. In the past, you babysat your brothers and sisters until your parent(s) got home. That’s experience looking after children. Put that down in the experience section.

Tell everything you did while you babysat. Such as fixed snacks, acted as a referee during TV time, or even helped the little ones in the bathroom.

The application will ask where you worked. I’d put Mr or Ms and then my parent’s name or you can say The Jones Family. Why? Because it will give that air of professional experience.


Now, a resume is different. It is an application that you design which highlights the best of your job-related information. has an article with a step-by-step list of how to write a professional resume. It has all the steps I have used. Check it out!

An additional thing about resumes is that sometimes, a cover letter will be required with a resume. This letter is an introduction of yourself. It gives an idea of who you are (work experience-wise) and why you are a good fit for this position. I read in a book once that said the cover letter includes work highlights that are not in your resume.

Both need to get the hiring person’s attention so he or she will want to read your resume. When writing, use action words.

Be honest–especially on your application and resume. Lies have a way of coming out.

Now, resumes tend to be more widely used. The place where you are applying will let you know which one (application or resume) they need.

Note: Also check spelling and punctuation. Yeah, some people are particular about that. You don’t want your resume and cover letter tossed because you misspelled a word.

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Some thoughts

This is a partial list of do’s, just a few highlights. For more info, there are a lot of books and internet articles on how to write resumes and cover letters. I suggest checking them out!

Now that you know what you want to do and how to go for it, you are on the path to finding that dream job. Part 2 will have information about how to prepare and handle an interview, how to thank your interviewer, and how to find out if you got the job. 

Stay tuned!

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