How To Find A Job–Teen Edition, Part 2

Blue and white colored graphic of young man talking with older man seated in a chair at a table. Blog graphic for blog post how to find a job teen edition part 2

After you have decided what you want to do and have applied for a job, securing the job interview and leaving a good impression are the next steps in finding a job.

If you aren’t at this stage in your job hunt, click this link to go to Part 1 of this post. Check it out! 

8 things to do before a job interview

When you’re planning for the interview, there are eight things you should do:

1. Research the company you’re interviewing with. Look at their website. There is interesting info in the history, products, mission statement, and employee culture sections.

2. Practice possible interview questions and answers. Robin Ryan is a Job Search guru I have been following for years.

She has written books and articles and owns her own Career Counseling business. She wrote a post about the top tough interview questions and answers to those questions.

One thing to watch out for is sounding rehearsed or fake. True, you do want to sound prepared but not fake. Practice what to say a few times (just to make sure it sounds right) and then move to the next question.

3. Think of questions you’d like to ask. These can come from researching the company and reading the job description, or from curiosity.

4. Do a drive-by of the company. This means taking a ride out to the company so you will know where it is. Plugging the address into GPS will tell you how long it will take to get there. Arriving at least ten minutes before the interview is customary.

By arriving early, you show that you are reliable, organized, and enthusiastic about the job. Being on time also shows that you have respect for other people’s time.

5. Choose what you are going to wear.

Clothing do’s: A clean button-down shirt, khakis or dress pants, and decent-looking shoes for guys.

For women, the look is a little different. Dress it up! A nice blouse, dress pants, and dress shoes work. Dresses and skirts are acceptable also. If you choose a dress or skirt, please wear pantyhose and dress shoes. Remember you want to look put together.

Clothing don’ts: No shorts, no jeans, and no T-shirts with big logos or large writing.

A quick Google search will show clothes that shouldn’t be worn to a job interview.

6. Always check your appearance and hygiene.

Appearance: The idea of what to wear to an interview came from a restaurant franchise district manager. I’ll call him Chuck. He does a lot of hiring of management and crew for the restaurants he oversees. According to him, a neat appearance is key. Hair should be styled in a flattering way. Nails are clean and clipped. Beards trimmed and neat.

If you haven’t showered or bathed in a while, please do so before the interview. You may like your kind of musk, but that doesn’t mean others do!

7. Have an extra copy of your resume with you. Just in case the interviewer needs a copy. I have had to give an interviewer a copy of my resume. It surprised me that he didn’t have one. So make sure you have one.

8. The night before, make sure you get a good night’s sleep.


At the job interview

An interview is a meeting between you and the company’s representative to see if you and the company are a good fit for each other.

First of all, be polite. You may have to check in at the front desk. Let them know who you’re here to meet with and your name.

Secret fact: In some companies, the receptionist or the people you meet before you meet the interviewer have a say in whether you’re hired. Afterward, the interviewer will ask that person’s opinion of you.

If you must wait before the interview, take a few deep breaths. It’s okay if you are nervous, it’s expected!

During the interview

Once the interview starts, give the interviewer your complete attention; and make eye contact as you answer questions. It’s okay to look away every so often. You don’t want to stare but do look the person in the eye.

Above all, be honest in your answers! If you are hired based on a lie, you better hope the company doesn’t find out. Because if they do, you can be fired because of that lie.

During most interviews, you will be asked if you have any questions. Here’s your chance to ask questions or get more information about something you all have discussed.

If the interview is over and you are not allowed to ask, it’s okay to ask them.

If pay isn’t brought up, don’t bring it up! Leave that question for when the company wants you and you want them. According to the Staffing Services leader, Robert Half International, that’s the earliest pay should be discussed.

After the job interview

Before you leave, make a note of your interviewer. Therefore you can write him or her a Thank You note for the interview. Thank them for meeting with you and expressing your interest in the position.

Now you wait to hear from the company. As you were leaving, the person you met with should tell you when you should receive word if you have been hired or not. If you don’t hear back from them, chances are you didn’t get the job.

The takeaway

Finding a job is a task that can be easy for some and hard for others. One fact that is true for both is it takes work.

If you know what you want to do, where and how to apply for a position, and wow the company during the interview you can land the job you want.

Just saying!

If you have tips or stories about your job search that you’d like to share, please put them in the comment section below. They could be helpful to others.

2 thoughts on “How To Find A Job–Teen Edition, Part 2”

  1. Hello.. I remember some advice that was given when it came to after the job interview. After a couple of days it is okay to call to see if the job is still available and to show that you are still interested if it is. This can up your chances for getting the job over other people that has interviewed for the same position.

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