Club Etiquette 101: Why Sticking Together Is The Best Idea

The following post does contain a brief mention of an alleged sexual assault against a young woman and violence against women. If you are sensitive to these issues, please skip this post. I would not want to hurt anyone mentally or emotionally.

Three black silhouettes against a pink multi-colored background. Blog graphic for blog post Club Etiquette 101: Why Sticking Together Is The Best Idea at

Recently, in January 2024, a story came out about a young lady who got caught up in an alleged sexual assault case with a celebrity couple (who shall remain nameless). 

The young lady alleges that she and a friend went to a club, met this couple, and she and her friend were separated at the club.

The young lady went back to the hotel with the couple. Once she was alone with them, the couple allegedly drugged and sexually assaulted her.

When I heard this story, I felt awful for the young lady. To have something like that happen is not right.

While thinking about the whole situation, I remembered something I learned a long time ago. Why sticking together is the best idea when you’re at the club with friends.

Why not leave those you came with? 

Bluntly put, there’s safety in numbers. It’s harder to do something to two people than it is to do to one. The above story is a perfect example and so is the kidnapping and murder Imette St Guillen back in 2006.

When I was growing up, my grandmother explained that women rarely went anywhere alone. I wondered why and was told that women did that because there is safety in numbers. 

I took this idea to heart. So it took me a long time to get used to going out alone. Since then, I’ve learned a few safety tips to use when out by myself.

Photo of man and woman in a social setting. Woman is holding a quarter filled wine goblet of clear liquid. The man that she is speaking to is seen in side profile. Mixed gender group of four in background, One of them have a wine goblet of clear liquid.  Blog post break for blog post Three black silhouettes against a pink multi-colored background. Blog graphic for blog post Club Etiquette 101: Why Sticking Together Is The Best Idea at

The takeaway

Going out with friends is fun. Even if you may do something different a the club or pub, don’t leave without those you came with. There is safety in numbers, and sticking together is the best idea.

Just saying!

If there are stories or tips you’d like to share, please put them down in the comment section. It may help someone else out. 

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