5 Easy Tips for Stress-Free Holiday Travel

When I was a kid, the only place my family and I traveled to for the holidays was to my grandmother’s house. That was like a 20-minute drive. 

When I got married, the trips to see my in-laws were further away.  Sometimes to different states. 

Over the past 20 years, I’ve traveled many times, and here are some tips I’ve learned that may make your holiday travel a little easier.

Tip #1–Should you go to the get-together

If you receive an invitation or multiple invitations to visit with friends or family for the holidays, take a moment to think. Do you want to spend days with these people? This may sound rude, but it’s something you should think about.

If you feel everything will be fine, then go and have fun! If you’ll be hanging out with people who are iffy, I’d think hard about whether I’d want to go or not.

Tip #2–Where you are going to stay

Are you going to stay with family, friends, or would it be better to stay in a hotel?

Tip #3–Plan how to get there

Decide whether you’re going to drive or fly.

Don’t wait until the last minute; especially if you decide to fly. Tickets get higher during the holidays, especially the closer you get to the holiday. You may be able to snag some deals on the day of the holiday, but why leave it to chance? 

view is from right side mirror from red car while driving down road. Forest scenery on the right side of photo with white highway road guard. Sun is coming up over forest scenery.  Blog graphic for blog post 5 easy tips for stress-free holiday travel at awomansoutlook.com

Tip #4–Think about the costs of the trip

If you decide to drive, there are a few things you should think about. Like car maintenance. When was the last time your car had an oil change? If not done regularly, every 3 months or 3,000 miles, your engine can be severely damaged.  Buying a new engine is not cheap!

Before going on the trip, make sure basic car maintenance (such as an oil change), properly inflated tires, at least 3/4 tank of gas (having a full tank is best)) is done.

If you decide to fly or take the train, think about the cost of round trip fare.

Tip #5–Pack accordingly

This is something for me because I’m a planner. I usually pick out what I’m going to wear, and pack accordingly. 

Let’s take Thanksgiving for example. If I’m going to be somewhere on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I pack three outfits. One for Thursday, one for Friday, and a backup outfit. This outfit is usually business casual, just in case we go somewhere a little dressy. 

I pack an extra pack of undies and socks. The shoes I take will be wrapped in plastic bags so that the stuff on their soles won’t get on my clothes.

Bonus Tip–Pack snacks for the trip

This is something I learned from my grandmother and mom.  Anytime we went on a road trip, one of them would pack sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, and something to drink.  I carry on that tradition.  I pack sandwiches, chips, and something to drink. That way, it’s one less reason to stop and we aren’t too hungry when we arrive.

The takeaway

Whether you are going on a big or small trip, a few tips could make the trip easier.

Planning how you’re going, knowing the travel costs, and packing snacks could help make your holiday travel a fun experience.

Just saying!

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